In God We Trust

In God We Trust
... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Friday, April 1, 2011

Israel Releases Map Showing Lebanon Booby Trapped with 1000 underground military sites operated by Hizb’allah (Party of Allah)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

When Hezb’Allah declared war on Israel in the Summer of 2006 and Israel kicked their sorry jihad asses, the UN brokered a ceasefire — resolution 1701. John Bolton in January 2007 said here:

I think that the enhanced UNIFIL which was agreed to with a lot of fanfare as part of resolution 1701 has not been successful in fully accomplishing the mission that we wanted to give to it. There’s no doubt Syria and Iran have very substantially resupplied and rearmed Hezb’Allah. The UNIFIL people have done essentially nothing about it. Those shipments across the Lebanese Syrian border have been reported by the UN itself not something that comes just from the United States.


It could be we are coming to a day of reckoning here on resolution 1701 and whether the cessation of hostilities that was established between Hezb’Allah and Israel is going to remain acceptable.

I would hope the United States in the near future begins to take the next step that we made a conscious decision not to make in 1701 and that is disarming Hezb’Allah.

The unspoken premise of 1701 was first you stop them from getting external assistance by imposing an arms embargo but then the next step is to disarm Hezb’allah and we have not done anything on that. We are at the point , we have got to move to that second step.

Ya think?

Look at this map. These “people” live solely to annihilate the Jewish people. Look at it. Without their all consuming Jew hatred, what on earth would they do with their worthless lives?

And the world yawns at Hizballah’s country-within-a-country, complete with “the strongest armed force in Lebanon.” “Israel releases army map showing nearly 1,000 purported Hezbollah underground military sites,” from the Washington Post, March 31 (thanks to all who sent this in):

JERUSALEM — The Israeli military on Thursday released a map detailing what it says are nearly 1,000 underground bunkers, weapons storage facilities and monitoring sites built by the militant Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon.

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