In God We Trust

In God We Trust
... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Friday, March 11, 2011

Progressives: Don’t blame Gov. Walker!

Progressives: Don’t blame Gov. Walker!

The only thing Gov. Walker is guilty of is not explaining in a clear fashion, through all the media, what his intentions were and why he was doing what he did. Scott Walker is a man of his word. He promised Wisconsin voters that he would cut spending without raising taxes. That is what he promised, and that is what he is doing. Those who say that he gave tax breaks to big corporations don’t realize that he has merely offered “tax incentives” to get corporations to come to Wisconsin to create more jobs.

The focus on the protester and exterior events is what the progressive want. The primary focus in Wisconsin should be on the dereliction of duty of the 14 Democrat legislators that fled the State Capitol to the state of Illinois. The only word that clearly depicts this action by these law makers is “cowardice.” (CWNews)

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