In God We Trust

In God We Trust
... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Monday, February 7, 2011

When Will The World Love Us?

When Will The World Love Us?
Ron Futrell

Posted by Ron Futrell Feb 4th 2011 at 1:20 pm

The media told us during the 2008 election that the world would love us if we elected Barack Hussein Obama to the White House. Certainly the Muslin world would adore us after we got rid of Evil Bush.

We were shown fabricated videos like these as proof that all we had to do was elect Dear Leader and we would have everything we wanted as Americans, we would have true value because others would love us.

Forget the fact here that it’s dysfunctional as a nation, or as an individual to always seek justification from others, this is just about the Promise of 2008.

Democrats and the Obama administration often like to say the media set unrealistic expectations on the young World Emperor, certainly the media continues its slobbering love for Dear Leader, but Obama also made this promise of global unity. He did it during his first speech in Cairo as President and during the campaign in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate. Obama declared himself a “citizen of the world” (whatever that means) and promised he would “remake the world.” Politico called it a “manifesto for the planet” and that he would “unite Christians, Muslims and Jews in a safer, more united world.”

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